Country Hearing Care look to the future with the appointment of Joint Managing Directors
As the Directors and founders of Country Hearing Care, Don and Jane MacDonald have built their business gradually, from working out of a suitcase at the Mildura Base Hospital 15 years ago to its current status – 4 Permanent sites across regional VIC/NSW and multiple visiting sites in-between, and Don hints that there are more exciting times ahead for the business, “We feel like we’ve reached a stage where we have mapped out a really exciting future for our company. We weathered the storm of the pandemic through 2020 and, although it was a challenging time for us, it’s made Jane and I realise how strong an offering we have with Country Hearing Care and I was very proud of our management team’s response throughout that period. Tania Tieman showed fantastic leadership in her role as Administration/Accounts Manager and Malcolm Comfort, our Operations Manager, also really stood up and helped us emerge stronger than ever. I saw in Malcolm someone who can help take Country Hearing forward to the next stage and the ideal person for me to pass the baton on to”.
The couple are by no means ready to hang up their hats yet though – Jane is a hugely experienced clinician and on top of being Country Hearing’s principle Audiologist also holds the title of CEO of The Hearing Business Alliance. At 61 years young, Don has a wealth of business experience under his belt and has been a board member of professional bodies and held the position of Chair of HBA; “Jane and I feel like we still have a lot to bring to the table for CHC but we also recognize the importance of looking to the future and progressive thinking. We have appointed Malcolm to the position of Joint Managing Director, alongside me, for this reason. We work very well together, and I feel that our skillsets complement one another”.
Don and Jane see a bright future for this local success story, “We couldn’t be happier with where the business is at. We feel that we have a great team of both admin and clinical staff that have helped shape our company; we have some amazing young clinicians who are showing great leadership and an abundance of passion. We’ve always had a really strong foundation in ethics and have established that as our core business principle. Malcolm shares our passion and we’re really excited for Country Hearing’s next chapter – watch this space!”