Travel can present some unique challenges if you or a loved one has difficulty hearing. But with some planning and preparation, it is possible to make the most of any trip – even if hearing loss is a factor. Now, you may wonder how to make holiday plans that accommodate hearing aids. Here are a few ways to make travelling with hearing aids a breeze.
1. Invest in a High-Quality Case
A well-fitted case will snugly hold your hearing aids in place, preventing them from jostling around and potentially getting damaged. It also pays to choose a sturdy and well-made one, as you don’t want the case to break open and expose your hearing aids to the elements. Additionally, ensure that the case has a good seal to remove dust and other particles that could damage your hearing aids later on.
2. Stock Up on Essentials
Before going on your trip, list everything you’ll need to bring to keep your hearing aids in good working condition. By doing so, you won’t encounter any problems on the trip. These items include but are not limited to the following:
- Extra Batteries: You may find yourself wearing your hearing aids more often while on vacation, which can use up batteries more quickly. If you run out of batteries while on vacation, it may be challenging to find new ones.
- Drying/Dehumidifier: If you are travelling to a humid or wet location, drying your hearing aids after use is a must. This will prevent them from getting damaged or ruined.
- Extra Domes and Wax Guards: Having a misshapen dome or clogged wax guard can ruin your trip. Always bring extras domes, and wax guards in case you run out.
- Cleaning Kit: Bring your cleaning supplies with you when you travel and stick to your regular cleaning schedule as much as possible. Pack them carefully to avoid damage while in storage.
- Charging Cable and Adaptor: Remember to bring your hearing aid charger when you travel. It’s easy to forget something so important to your hearing.
- Bluetooth Accessories: Hearing aid accessories like a remote microphone can make it easier to communicate with airline staff or others in noisy or crowded environments.
3. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
The background noise in an aeroplane can make it difficult to hear speech, even with hearing aids. When travelling, pay attention to visual cues, such as body language and lip movements, to help you understand what is being said. If you are having difficulty understanding someone, ask them to repeat themselves or look at you when speaking.
If you are driving, cut out distracting noise from the speaker. It may prevent you from hearing noises outside the car. Turn off the speaker if you feel like it impairs your hearing.
4. Ask for Help When Necessary
If you cannot hear or understand what is being said, ask for help. You may ask someone to repeat themselves or clarify what the person said. Also, during a meeting, ask for a copy of the agenda or minutes in advance. That way, you can follow along.
Travelling with hearing aids can be inconvenient, but there are ways to make it manageable. These include purchasing a sturdy hearing aid case, being aware of your surroundings, and asking for help. But most importantly, don’t let your hearing loss stop you from enjoying your travels. Being proactive can guarantee that your hearing aids are ready for anything.
Start hearing better with help from Country Hearing Care. We provide a wide range of hearing services and products in Australia. For more information, please contact our hearing aid centre.