Effortless Ears: Understanding the Causes and Solutions for Earwax Issues at Country Hearing Care


Earwax, or cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal that serves an essential purpose in maintaining ear health. It works as a protective barrier against external particles, such as dust, dirt, or bacteria, and keeps the delicate skin within the ear moist and healthy. However, excessive earwax buildup or impaction can cause discomfort, hearing impairment, or infection. Addressing these earwax issues requires expert guidance to ensure safe and effective treatment, and the team of professional audiologists at Country Hearing Care can provide this valuable support.

In this blog, we will explore some common causes of earwax issues, such as particular lifestyle factors, wearing hearing aids, or using cotton swabs for cleaning. By understanding these contributing factors, readers can recognise situations where professional intervention might be necessary and avoid practices that exacerbate earwax issues.

Moreover, we will discuss the variety of expert solutions offered by Country Hearing Care to address earwax problems. Audiologists at the clinic provide a comprehensive assessment and develop customised treatment plans, whether microsuction, manual extraction, or earwax softening drops. Let’s get started.

Unravelling the Common Causes of Earwax Issues

Earwax issues can arise from several factors, and understanding these causes is critical in taking appropriate preventive measures and seeking timely intervention when necessary. Here, we highlight some common factors contributing to excessive earwax buildup or impaction:

  1. Lifestyle Factors: Certain practices, such as using headphones or earplugs frequently, can push earwax further into the ear canal, resulting in blockages.
  2. Hearing Aids: Consistent use of hearing aids can inadvertently obstruct the natural migration of earwax, leading to accumulation or impaction.
  3. In-ear Cleaning: The use of cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other small objects to clean the ears can worsen earwax problems by compacting it against the eardrum or causing injury to delicate ear structures.
  4. Ear Anatomy: Individuals with narrow, curved, or hairy ear canals may experience more frequent buildup or impaction due to the unique structure of their ears.

Recognising When Professional Help is Needed

When earwax issues arise, it can be tempting to self-treat or ignore the problem. However, recognising when to seek professional help is crucial in ensuring the safe, effective treatment of earwax issues. Common indicators that professional intervention is necessary include:

  1. Persistent Ear Discomfort: Excessive earwax can cause discomfort, pain, itching, or a feeling of fullness in the ear.
  2. Impaired Hearing: A sudden or gradual decrease in hearing ability, often accompanied by tinnitus (ringing in the ears), might signal a blockage due to earwax buildup.
  3. Dizziness or Vertigo: In some cases, excessive earwax can disrupt balance, leading to dizziness or vertigo.
  4. Infection: If left untreated, earwax impaction can increase the risk of ear infections, causing pain and swelling and potentially leading to more severe complications.

Turn to Expert Solutions at Country Hearing Care

Our team of experienced audiologists offers expert care and solutions to address earwax issues effectively and safely. Their services include:

  1. Comprehensive Ear Health Assessments: As part of evaluating clients’ ear health, audiologists visually examine the ear canal and eardrum with specialised equipment, enabling them to identify any earwax issues requiring professional intervention.
  2. Expert Earwax Removal: Utilising the best practice techniques for earwax removal, our team offers multiple solutions, including microsuction, manual extraction, or earwax softening drops, to facilitate safe and efficient removal.
  3. Patient Education: Professional audiologists provide comprehensive education to ensure clients understand proper ear hygiene practices and know when to seek intervention for earwax issues, minimising the risk of future complications.
  4. Ongoing Support: We recognise the importance of ongoing care in maintaining optimal ear health, with trained audiologists providing follow-up appointments and support as needed to ensure clients enjoy clear, healthy ears.


Understanding the causes of earwax issues and identifying when to seek help is essential in ensuring long-term ear health. At Country Hearing Care, the dedicated team of audiologists provides expert guidance, support, and practical solutions to clients experiencing earwax problems. By empowering clients to make informed decisions about their ear hygiene and offering professional services to address earwax issues, the clinic plays an invaluable role in promoting optimal ear health throughout the community. 

Don’t hesitate to take control of your ear health today by seeking our team’s expertise and care. Get in touch with us to get started.

Earwax Management and Solutions with Country Hearing Care Mildura


While earwax, or cerumen, plays a critical role in maintaining ear health, excessive or impacted earwax can lead to discomfort, hearing difficulties, and even pain. Identifying and addressing earwax issues is an essential aspect of overall ear care, and Country Hearing Care Mildura is equipped to provide guidance and support for clients facing these concerns. In this informative article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and potential complications of earwax build-up and impaction, and discuss the professional solutions available at Country Hearing Care Mildura to help you maintain healthy ears and optimal hearing.

At Country Hearing Care Mildura, we emphasise the importance of comprehensive ear care, extending beyond hearing tests and hearing aid services to include addressing earwax-related concerns. Our expert team is committed to ensuring that clients have the necessary knowledge and resources to manage earwax issues effectively, promoting healthy ears and successful hearing health journeys. Learn more about the complexities of earwax and how professional guidance from Country Hearing Care Mildura can help you navigate these concerns, ensuring your ears remain clear and healthy.

Combating Earwax Issues: Expert Tips from Country Hearing Care Mildura

1. Unravelling the Mysteries of Earwax: Functions and Problems

Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a naturally occurring substance produced by glands in the ear canal. It serves several vital functions for ear health, including:

– Protecting the ear canal from dust, debris, and bacteria

– Lubricating and moisturising the ear canal to prevent dryness and irritation

– Assisting in the removal of dead skin cells and debris, keeping the ear canal clean

However, excessive or impacted earwax can lead to problems such as discomfort, hearing loss, infection or even pain. Factors contributing to excessive earwax production or impaction may include:

– Anatomical differences resulting in narrow or unusually shaped ear canals

– Overproduction of cerumen due to medical conditions or genetics

– Inappropriate ear cleaning techniques, such as using cotton swabs, which can push wax deeper into the ear canal

2. Recognising the Symptoms of Excessive or Impacted Earwax

Identifying excessive or impacted earwax is crucial to seeking appropriate care and intervention. Common symptoms of earwax issues include:

– Ear discomfort or a sense of fullness in the ear

– Progressive hearing loss or muffled hearing

– Earache or pain

– Tinnitus or ringing in the ear

– Persistent itching in the ear canal

3. Addressing Earwax Issues: The Role of Country Hearing Care Mildura

Country Hearing Care Mildura is well-equipped to help clients manage earwax build-up and impaction, offering professional guidance and support in various ways, such as:

– Comprehensive ear examinations and assessments: Our expert team can provide thorough assessments, utilising specialised equipment to evaluate the extent of earwax build-up and determine appropriate management strategies.

– Earwax removal techniques: Country Hearing Care Mildura employs safe and effective earwax removal methods, including microsuction and irrigation, to gently and efficiently clear impacted earwax.

– Education and advice on home ear care: The team at Country Hearing Care Mildura can provide recommendations on maintaining healthy ear canals, avoiding earwax issues, and suitable methods of self-care at home.

4. Emphasising Safe and Effective Earwax Removal: What to Avoid

It is vital to avoid unsafe or counterproductive earwax removal techniques, which can exacerbate problems. Some precautions to consider when dealing with excessive or impacted earwax include:

– Refraining from using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ear, as this can push wax further into the ear canal, increasing the risk of impaction and infection.

– Avoiding over-the-counter earwax removal products without professional supervision, as these can sometimes lead to complications or irritation.

– Consulting an ear care professional before attempting self-treatment, particularly for individuals with ear tubes, perforated eardrums, or a history of frequent ear infections.

Ensure Optimal Ear Health with Country Hearing Care Mildura

Country Hearing Care Mildura is committed to supporting clients in managing earwax issues effectively, promoting healthy ears and successful hearing health journeys. Our expert team can provide comprehensive assessments, safe earwax removal techniques, and valuable education on maintaining ear health, ensuring a well-rounded approach to addressing earwax-related concerns.

Contact Country Hearing Care Mildura today to book an earwax assessment or removal appointment, and let our experienced professionals guide you towards optimal ear health and clear, comfortable hearing.

When Earwax Becomes a Problem: 6 Warning Signs

Ear check

Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by our bodies to protect, clean, and lubricate our ears. Although it may not seem like the most pleasant topic to discuss, understanding the function and management of earwax is essential for maintaining good ear health. 

This article will provide an in-depth look at how to manage and prevent excessive earwax, along with expert advice on when to seek professional help. So, let’s dive in and learn more about this often-neglected aspect of our health!

The Purpose and Composition of Earwax

Before delving into managing excessive earwax, it is crucial to understand its role in our ears. Earwax serves several essential functions, including:

  • Trapping dirt, dust and other foreign particles to prevent them from entering the ear canal
  • Providing a protective barrier against bacteria and fungi
  • Lubricating the ear canal to prevent dryness and itching

Earwax is a mixture of secretions from the ceruminous and sebaceous glands in the ear canal, along with dead skin cells and hair. Its composition varies between individuals, with some producing more earwax than others. 

However, excessive earwax can cause issues such as discomfort, hearing loss, and infection.

Causes of Excessive Earwax

Several factors can contribute to the overproduction of earwax, including:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals naturally produce more earwax than others due to their genetic makeup. 
  • Age: As we age, the composition of earwax changes, making it more likely to become hard and accumulate. 
  • Ear Shape: Those with narrow or twisted ear canals may experience more frequent wax build-up, as it is harder for the wax to naturally work its way out of the ear. 
  • Over-Zealous Cleaning: Ironically, using cotton swabs and other objects to clean the ears can push the wax further into the ear canal, causing impaction. 
  • Use of Hearing Aids or Earplugs: These devices can block the natural migration of earwax out of the ear, leading to accumulation. 

Signs and Symptoms of Earwax Build-up

It is normal for our ears to produce and expel earwax regularly. But some people may experience excessive earwax build-up, leading to various issues. 

Some common signs and symptoms of excessive earwax include:

  • Earache or discomfort
  • Difficulty hearing or muffled sounds
  • Tinnitus refers to the perception of ringing or buzzing sounds in one’s ear
  • Itching or irritation in the ear canal
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Coughing, due to the stimulation of the ear’s cough reflex

When to Seek Professional Help

If you are experiencing symptoms such as pain, hearing loss, or discharge from the ear, it is essential to consult a hearing health professional. These symptoms may indicate an infection, impacted earwax, or another underlying issue that requires medical attention. 

Additionally, it is important to seek professional help if your symptoms persist or worsen despite attempting home remedies or over-the-counter treatments.


Earwax may not be the most glamorous topic, but it plays a crucial role in protecting and maintaining the health of our ears. Understanding the function and management of earwax is essential for keeping our ears healthy and preventing complications. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of excessive earwax, it is essential to seek professional help to determine the cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. By caring for our ears, we can ensure that we continue to hear the world around us clearly and enjoy all that life has to offer.

If you think you might have an excess of ear wax, consider visiting Country Hearing Care. Our team is skilled in safely and effectively removing obstructions to prevent any hearing loss. 

We also offer other expert hearing care services such as hearing assessments, hearing aids, evaluations for balance problems, maintenance for hearing aids, and more. Book an appointment today to restore your hearing and balance, allowing you to enjoy life fully.

Ear Health: 4 Things You Need to Know About Ear Wax

Ear Health

Ear health is an essential aspect of our overall well-being. Our ears are responsible for hearing and maintaining balance, which is crucial for our daily activities. If left unchecked, the ears can accumulate ear wax, which is a natural substance the ear canal produces

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy, oily substance that helps protect the ear from dust, dirt, and other foreign particles that may enter the ear. Ear wax also serves as a lubricant, keeping the ear canal moist and preventing it from drying out. The amount and type of ear wax produced vary from person to person, depending on several factors, such as age, genetics, and environment. Some people have more ear wax than others, while others create a drier type.

However, ear wax goes deeper than one might realise, so we will discuss some lesser-known facts about it. These include:

#1 – Ear Wax Is Not Actually Wax

Despite its name, ear wax is not actually made up of wax. Instead, it is a mixture of various substances, including dead skin cells, oil, and sweat. The main component of ear wax is a fatty acid called sebum, produced by the ear canal glands.

The sebum combines with other substances to form a sticky, waxy substance that helps to protect the ear from foreign particles and infection. Over time, this substance can build up and harden, leading to the formation of ear wax.

#2 – Ear Wax Helps Clean the Ear

Ear wax may be a nuisance, but it plays a vital role in cleaning the ear. As the ear wax forms, it collects dirt, dust, and other debris that may enter the ear canal. This helps to prevent these particles from reaching the delicate inner ear and causing damage or infection.

In addition, ear wax contains natural antibacterial properties that help to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses that may enter the ear canal. This helps to keep the ear clean and healthy. However, you must ensure it doesn’t accumulate too much.

#3 – Your Ear Wax’s Colour Can Change

The colour of your ear wax can vary depending on factors such as age, environment, and genetics. Generally, ear wax is yellowish-brown but can also be dark brown, black, or white. If you notice a sudden change in the colour or consistency of your ear wax, it may be a sign of an underlying health condition, so you should consult your doctor.

#4 – Ear Wax Is the Leading Cause of Hearing Problems

It may be a no-brainer, but excessive ear wax buildup is the leading cause of hearing problems. When too much ear wax accumulates in the ear canal, it can block sound waves from reaching the eardrum, leading to temporary hearing loss. This is why it’s essential to regularly clean your ears and seek medical assistance if you experience hearing problems.

How to Clean Ear Wax Properly

While ear wax is a natural substance that helps protect the ear, an excessive buildup can harm your ear’s health. Here are some tips on how to clean ear wax properly:

Avoid Using Cotton Swabs

Contrary to popular belief, using cotton swabs to clean your ears is not recommended as it can push ear wax deeper into the ear canal, causing blockages or even damaging the eardrum. Instead, try using a damp washcloth or tissue to clean around the outer ear gently.

Avoid Applying Too Much Pressure

When cleaning your ears, you must be gentle and avoid applying too much pressure. This can cause damage to the sensitive skin in the ear canal and even cause hearing loss. Instead, use a gentle, circular motion to clean the outer ear.

Use Ear Drops

If you have excess ear wax buildup, consider using ear drops to help soften and loosen the wax. Many over-the-counter ear drops are available at pharmacies, or you can ask your doctor for a prescription.

Never Use Ear Candling

Ear candling is a dangerous alternative therapy that involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear canal and lighting it on fire. The theory is that the heat and suction will draw out ear wax and other impurities. However, no scientific evidence supports this practice, and it can cause severe injury or damage to the ear canal, eardrum or middle ear. It can also lead to burns, infections and hearing loss.


Ear wax is a natural and vital substance that helps keep our ears clean and healthy. However, it’s also your responsibility to remove it if there’s too much buildup or if it’s causing discomfort or hearing difficulties. All that matters is doing it safely and effectively to ensure you don’t cause any harm to your ears or hearing.

Country Hearing Care can help you if you require ear wax removal. You must always focus on your hearing health, so our ear doctors provide comprehensive treatment options to ensure you can hear everything around you. Call us today at 1800 432 748 to schedule a hearing test!

Top 7 Benefits of Regular Ear Cleaning and Ear Wax Removal

Earwax Removal

The ear is an essential human body part responsible for hearing and balance. Keeping the ear clean and free from blockages such as earwax is a must.

Earwax is a natural substance the ear produces to protect it from foreign particles and infections. However, excessive earwax buildup can cause hearing loss, ear infections, and other complications. Regular ear cleaning and earwax removal are necessary to maintain good ear health.

This article will discuss the top seven benefits of regular ear cleaning and earwax removal.

  1. Improved Hearing

Excessive earwax buildup can lead to hearing loss. Earwax can block the ear canal, preventing sound waves from reaching the eardrum. Regular ear cleaning and earwax removal help improve hearing by eliminating any blockages in the ear canal. Just remember how to clean your ears properly. Use cotton swabs only on the outer parts, and never put sharp tools inside the ear canal to avoid damaging delicate ear structures. 

Also, remember not to clean out ear wax excessively since it still helps trap any unwanted foreign materials from entering your ear canals.

  1. Prevention of Ear Infections

As you grow older, you’ll notice that many things can trigger an ear infection, from trapped water from swimming to dirt or dust that finds its way inside your ear. But one of the most common things that cause infections is simply earwax buildup. Excessive wax creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi, leading to ear infections. Regular ear cleaning and proper earwax removal can prevent ear infections by eliminating the breeding ground for these microorganisms. 

  1. Relief from Tinnitus

Experiencing a nagging buzzing or ringing in your ear can be pretty uncomfortable. This condition, known as tinnitus, stems from several factors, such as infection, sudden pressure change, old age, and, again, earwax buildup. When a significant amount of wax clumps together inside the canal, it can create pressure on the eardrum, leading to tinnitus. 

Prevent wax from clumping into a ball of pressure on your eardrums with proper and regular ear cleaning. 

  1. Improved Balance

The ear is responsible for maintaining balance, and any blockages in the ear canal can affect balance. Excessive earwax buildup can cause dizziness and vertigo, affecting daily activities. Keeping only a healthy amount of earwax can help improve balance by preventing any blockages in the ear canal.

  1. Prevention of Earaches

Several factors, including ear infections, earwax buildup, and trauma to the ear, can cause earaches. However, clumps of earwax that eventually harden and form around the inner ear are the usual culprits.

Incorrect usage of cotton swabs pushes in more wax inside the inner ear, which then compacts together, hardens, and puts pressure on the eardrums, causing extreme pain. Prevent earaches with regular and proper ear cleaning and earwax removal techniques. 

  1. Prevention of Complications from Hearing Aids and Earplugs

Hearing aids and earplugs are devices used to improve hearing or protect the ear from loud noises. However, these devices can cause earwax buildup if not cleaned regularly. 

Excessive earwax can clog the hearing aid or earplug, reducing its effectiveness. Regular ear cleaning and earwax removal can prevent complications from hearing aids and earplugs.

  1. Improved Quality of Life

Regular ear cleaning and earwax removal can improve the quality of life by preventing hearing loss, ear infections, tinnitus, dizziness, and earaches. These conditions can affect daily activities and reduce overall well-being. By maintaining good ear health, individuals can enjoy a better quality of life.


Regular ear cleaning and earwax removal are crucial for maintaining good ear health. Excessive earwax buildup can lead to several complications, including hearing loss, ear infections, tinnitus, dizziness, and earaches. By removing earwax and keeping the ear clean, individuals can improve their hearing, prevent ear infections, alleviate tinnitus symptoms, improve balance, and prevent earaches and complications from hearing aids and earplugs. If you experience ear-related issues, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Are you experiencing clogged ear wax symptoms? Seek professional help from the expert team at Country Hearing Care. We specialise in hearing tests, hearing aids, balance issues, hearing aid servicing, wax issues, and more. Contact us today if you want to schedule an appointment.

Everything You Need to Know About Earwax Removal: A Guide

Earwax Removal

Earwax removal is a common procedure that helps to reduce the amount of earwax that accumulates in the ear canal. It is a safe and simple process that is typically performed by a healthcare professional. Earwax removal helps to reduce the risk of ear infections, hearing loss, and other problems caused by excess earwax.

Regardless of the method used, earwax removal is a simple and effective way to reduce the amount of wax in the ear. It is important to seek advice from a healthcare professional to ensure the procedure is performed safely. 

In this guide, we shed some light on earwax removal and why you might need it.

How Does Earwax Removal Work?

Earwax removal is a process that involves removing blockages of earwax from the ear canal. This can be done using a variety of methods, including manual removal, irrigation, and suction. Manual removal involves using a small, curved instrument to remove the wax from the ear canal. This should only be done by a trained medical professional. 

Irrigation involves using a syringe to flush warm water into the ear canal, which helps to loosen the wax and flush it out. Suction is a method that uses a small device to suck up the wax.

When Should You Have Earwax Removed?

Earwax removal is an important part of ear health. It’s important to have your earwax removed if it is impacted, causing a blockage. This can cause pain, hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness in the ears. 

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor right away. They can help determine if you need to have your earwax removed. If your earwax is causing a blockage or if it’s uncomfortable, it should be removed.

Why Should You Get Your Earwax Removed?

Getting your earwax removed is important for maintaining good ear health. Earwax helps protect your ears from dirt, dust, and infection, but when it builds up too much, it can cause problems such as hearing loss and ear pain. 

By getting your earwax removed, you can reduce the risk of these problems and improve your overall ear health. 

Earwax Removal vs. Ear Candling

Earwax removal and ear candling are two methods of removing earwax. Earwax removal can be done at home with over-the-counter products or by a professional. Ear candling is a traditional technique that involves lighting a hollow candle and placing it in the ear to draw out the wax. 

While both methods can be effective, earwax removal is the safer option as it is less likely to cause injury. Ear candling can be dangerous and may even cause damage to the ear, so it is important to consult a doctor before trying this method.

Why You Should Get Professional Earwax Removal

Getting your earwax removed professionally is the best way to ensure that the job is done right. Professional earwax removal is safe, painless and effective. 

It is also less likely to cause any damage to the ear than trying to remove earwax yourself. Professional earwax removal is also much more hygienic, as it can be done in sterile and sanitized conditions. 


The removal of earwax is an important part of ear hygiene and should be done regularly. Earwax removal can be done safely and effectively when done correctly, so it is important to discuss any concerns with a medical professional.

If you are considering earwax removal, Country Hearing Care has you covered. We provide Australian hearing services to ensure your complete and total health. Get in touch with us today to learn how.